The design process: A problem solving framework for tackling life
The above is the design process visualized:
Discover: Problem comprehension and information gathering happen in the Discover phase, culminating in a lot of insights, data, and learning.
Define: This is when the narrowing happens, where the actual problem to be tackled gets clearer, unnecessary or irrelevant data is moved aside in favor of clear prioritization and knowing who you’re solving for.
Design: Once the problem statement is clear, design explorations can begin. There are many solutions to any problem, and there are also constraints to consider: are there limits on resources? time? gaps in skills or tools? How much are you willing to invest to close these gaps?
Deliver: Whether it’s a prototype or an action plan, this provides one solution and a thoughtful way of accomplishing it.
I’ve applied this framework to projects in both work and life, amazed at how simple it is yet how effective it is in any situation that benefits from a problem to solve or an opportunity to tackle. One thing to note is that this framework in practice has a ton more iteration cycles within each phase and even across phases…more knowledge about why a design wouldn’t work could even send you back to the Discover phase for more information gathering.
What’s an unclear problem you’re facing in your life right now, and how will you try to apply the design process?